The video opens with a little bit of narrative involving a child boarding a schoolbus, driven by Ronnie Radke, the band's singer.
As the band walks into the school, the music starts. Most of the song takes place in a classrooom shifting between two different situations. The first is a normal class but with the singer singing directly into the camera. The second is the same classroom but with flashing lights and scantily clad women dancing on tables while the band play their instruments with the song.
This reinforces the band's collective "bad boy" image and also makes it look as though they like to have fun, as most of their videos feature the same sort of party structure.
This would certainly appeal to the band's young, fun-loving fans and give their image a lot of positive reinforcement. The camera cuts frequently and sweeps around the classroom at low angles while the singer continues to sing directly into it while playing guitar.
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